Estudio del paisaje
- item_info: Landscape study
Museo Nacional Thyssen-<span class="s1">Bornemisza</span>
- description: <p class="p1"><span class="s1">"Estudio del Paisaje" is a project designed to rethink the function of audio guides as educational tools in museums and generate alternate methods of approaching the collection of the Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza.</span></p>
The name of the project refers to the method used by artists for interpreting the natural landscape, which has traditionally consisted of a visual investigation into the chosen context visited in situ a number of times.
By utilising this metaphorical method of studying a landscape, Ferreiro analyses the museum "in situ", as if it were a natural landscape, during a three-month research residency in the context of the Lección de Arte exhibition.
The different elements that make up this new landscape (the building, the pieces in the collection, and the visiting members of the public) are linked by an audio guide that organizes a discourse from which to view the space, the artworks and the museum’s visitors through listening and active participation.